Greetings, young writers… (old writers… wannabe writers… and all the ships at sea)
Here’s another good writing exercise for you.
This one was introduced to me by a friend, and fellow writer, on one of the forums I sometimes hang out at.
BIG SHOUT OUT TO “FRED” over at the WF !!! (you know who you are… yeah!)
Anyway, It’s a pretty creative idea that could save you from the dreaded “WHITE PAGE OF DEATH !!!” (also known as writers block)
Whenever I find an opportunity to bring you something that could improve your writing, I want to share it with you. So I decided to write this quick post, explaining this great little exercise. (are you getting excited yet…? I know I am.)
Now personally, I think this method is pretty fantastic. But it won’t instantly make the words appear, all by themselves. And you probably won’t jump up and down shouting “Hallelujah! I have the answer, at last!”
But, it’s still a pretty incredible way to give that evil nemesis “writers block” the old “1…2…knockout punch” it so rightly deserves.
So, if your ready to learn it… Here’s the magical formula…