Why I will never offer world-class service to my clients…

Because it’s an insincere, superficial platitude, that has no genuine meaning!

Seriously, when some company offers me “World Class Service” – My first thought is “Well, that sounds impressive (I guess). But what does “world class service ” even mean?”

Does that mean you’re going to treat me the same as someone from a different culture, on the other side of the world, where there might be a different concept of what is or isn’t acceptable?


Here’s an idea… why don’t you offer me personalized service instead? And treat me like an individual.

I’m not trying to put myself above everyone else in the world, but if I’m spending my money with you, then for the next 10 minutes can you at least pretend like I’m an important individual.

Can ya do that for me, Skippy? Thanks.


Case in point…Continue reading

I love words… And I hate words (a reflective rant)

I was just going over some of my old materials on the delicate (and often deceptive) arts of propaganda, rhetoric, and political speech writing.
And I have to admit, even after all these years I still find myself fascinated (and horrified, at the same time) with the power of words.
So below is my reflective rant on the power of words. By the time you finish reading it, you’ll probably have one of three thoughts run through your mind…

1- Wow… this guy is really deep, and thoughtful.
2- Meh… this guy spends too much time over thinking stuff.
3- Jeez… this guy is an idiot, and we should all throw rocks at him.
(Hopefully you choose one of the first two.)


Beginning of rant…
 Continue reading