The ultimate list of the best copywriting books ever written

best copywriting books

This is a list of the best copywriting books of all time

No, it’s not a complete list of all the great copywriting books. Because the truth is, there are too many great copywriting books to list on a single page.

In fact, I’ve devoured hundreds of marketing and copywriting books over the last 25 years. And many of them were great. (many were also garbage… and most were somewhere in between)

Truth be told, the hardest part of compiling a list like this, is knowing where to start. But, I had to start somewhere… so here we are.

I’ll be sure to add more to this list (time permitting, with my busy schedule) But if you read, and study just the few books listed here… It will still put you miles ahead of 90% of the people calling themselves copywriters, today.

And if you’d like to add your own candidate to this list, feel free to add it in the comments below.

(Note: NONE of the links on this page are affiliate links. I make no money from these recommendations. I just think these are some of the best copywriting books ever written)

So, without further ado…


Here’s (the beginning of) my ultimate list of the best copywriting books ever written

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