About Me

Hello, and welcome to my private office.

Sorry about the mess, if I knew you were coming I would’ve tidied up a bit.
But as long as you’re here, kick off your shoes and stay a while.

marketing copywriter at work
Since you’re reading this page I’m guessing you’d like to know a little more about me…?


Who I am?  What I do?  Why I do it?


Let me start by saying… I’m honored you’d take a few minutes of your valuable time to get to know me better.  After all, since we’re going to be working together to grow your business, it’s only right that you first know a little about me, and what I can do for you.

So, here’s my story (the short and sweet version)…


Who I am –

First… My name is Steven A Rubin. I’m a direct response copywriter, and I also have a background in psychology, advertising and marketing.

I put my name on this company (and on this website) to let you know you’re dealing with a real person, and not just some nameless, faceless, corporate company.

I’m a Husband, Father, Saleswriter, Marketing Nerd, Owner of Multiple Businesses, Lifelong Student, Teacher, and an all around great guy… (Yeah, I think that covers most of it!)

Oh yeah, I also really like antique furniture. In fact, that desk I’m sitting at (in the picture above) is one I accepted for barter from a lovely couple I was working with a few years ago. It’s a beautiful 1930’s quarter-sawn Oak desk, with hand carved accents, and a marble top. And it has a matching bookcase that takes up half the wall, on the other side of my office. (Simply Beautiful)


But enough about me. I’m sure you didn’t come here just to listen to me talk about myself.

(Oh wait… this is my “About Me” page, so I guess that is why you’re here) Then let’s continue, shall we…


 What I do –

Well,  you know how a lot of small business owners try to create their own advertising and marketing? And then get frustrated when it doesn’t work?

I’m the guy who works with you and shows you how to do it right, using proven strategies, so you can double or even triple your results, without needing to hire an expensive advertising agency.


My primary service is helping your business grow through direct response copywriting.

I specialize in lead generation and increasing sales, which means I’ll help you bring a lot more customers and cash flow to your business.

And while I’ve written successful copy in many different formats… Here’s the types of Direct Response copy I’ve excelled at over the years…

– Direct mail sales letters
– Postcards
– Flyers and pamphlets
– Newspaper and Magazines ads

– Website landing pages and sales pages
– Opt-in pages
– Email campaigns
– Text, banner, and space ads
My secondary service is helping you optimize your sales process, and sales funnel; so we can increase conversions and profits from what you’re already doing.

Many times, we only need to change a few minor details of your current sales funnel, to dramatically increase your bottom line.


What I don’t do –

1) I don’t write cheap-ass $5 copy.
If you’re looking for content that fills your website with useless crap, and bores your visitors; There are plenty of low quality content farms on the internet where you can go pay $5 a page.

As for me… I only write quality content, designed to engage your visitors and sell your products or services.
(And it costs more than $5)

2) I don’t plagiarize anyone else work.
Of course, all great copywriters use “swipe files.” (That’s when we borrow a line from some other brilliant copy, because it fits perfectly with your copy)
But even then, we have to modify it to make it work. So you can rest assured everything I write for you will be original, and created just for you.

3) I don’t make false promises.
I won’t promise you anything I can’t deliver. And I won’t promise your customers anything you can’t deliver.
Simply put… Integrity is a value that should not, and will not be compromised.

4) I don’t farm out your project to some low skilled drone.
A lot of agencies will charge you a lot of money, then subcontract your project to a low level copywriter (see #1 above).

Of course, I do work with a few brilliant marketers to make your project the best it can possibly be. But, because my name (and reputation) is on the line, I’m personally involved with every project we do for you.

When you hire me… you’re paying for me… and you deserve only the very best I can offer.


 Why did I start this company?

The main reason I started this company is because I was getting frustrated at all the marketing companies out there, that either don’t know what they’re doing… Or, they’ll charge you an arm and a leg, without producing any tangible results. Then, they’ll claim you just need to keep paying them more money, and eventually you’ll see some results (maybe).

So one of the things I did 25 years ago (while I was running my first business) was to start learning everything I could about advertising and marketing. Eventually I got pretty good at it, and my conversion rates kept getting better.

During this time, the main thing I fell in love with was the power of the written word. I was fascinated at how changing a few words around could have such a dramatic effect on sales. That was the beginning of my love affair with the written word.

Since that time I’ve spent many years, and many thousands of dollars improving my skills, and learning everything I can about copywriting, and advertising. And I’ve used my own businesses as my training grounds.

As time went on, I found myself helping out other business owners with their ads. And it eventually led me down a path that I’m still walking to this day.


The second reason I started this company is because over the years I’ve spent A LOT of time, with dozens of small business owners, who’ve tried to do their own marketing.

Many of them start out by thinking “marketing is easy, why should I pay someone else to write my ads? After all, I know more about my business than some copywriter.”

And it still breaks my heart when I see the same scenario played out over and over again.

It usually goes something like this…

A business owner sits down with a family member (or business partner, or a few key employees). Then they blindly begin the process of wasting time, and money, putting together a sales letter or advertisement that’s destined to bomb.  So often, they make obvious mistakes that could have easily been avoided.

When their marketing does tank, many come to the mistaken conclusion that marketing just doesn’t work, or it’s the bad economy, or their competition, that caused the poor response to their ad.

Then they go back to the desperate method of hoping and praying that somehow their business manages to survive.

Only after I spend time explaining the scientific principles that go into effective advertising and marketing, would they begin to understand what they did wrong. And more importantly, they’d see how to do it right.

Anyway, back in the early 2000’s I hung out my shingle, and officially started this business. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

I believe small business is the true backbone of the American economy. If I can help you avoid obvious mistakes with your marketing, and help you produce real PROFITABLE results, then I feel I’ve done a genuine service to society as a whole.


So, if my motives are that pure and altruistic, why do I charge anything at all?
Good question. I charge for two reasons…

1) – I have a family to feed, and bills to pay, just like you.  And…

2) – When I give something of value away for free, people rarely ever place a higher value on it then what they paid.

If I give you an incredible marketing strategy, or help you create an advertisement, for free; you’ll probably think it isn’t worth very much (otherwise, why would I give it away for free… right?) and you’d likely never even put it into action.

But when you invest a few dollars, there’s a much better chance you’ll put that plan to work. If for no other reason, then to at least recover your investment and justify your decision.
Look… I want you to succeed. But if you don’t take advantage of my expertise, then my efforts to help you will be wasted. And my time could be better spent helping someone else who wants, or needs, my help.


So that’s the short story about me.

If it’s professional copywriting you’re looking for… I’ll work with you to create an affordable, professional, compelling sales message, that will allow your visitors to easily make the decision to do business with you.

If it’s more conversions, and profits you’re looking for… Then I’ll work with you to streamline your sales funnel, and optimize it, to bring you the most conversions possible.


My main desire is to help you succeed, by developing a marketing message that will bring you more customers, and more importantly, more profits!

By the time we’re done you’ll have an increase in sales, and cash flow you can take to the bank.

If you’d like more info about what I can do for you, just contact me right now and we can talk about what you’d like to achieve for your business.

It costs you nothing to contact me for more info, and I’ll try to answer any questions you have.


I truly want to thank you for reading this far, it shows me you’re serious about growing your business, and you’re willing to seek out a professional to help you achieve your goals.

Now fill in my quick contact form… click “send it”… and let’s continue moving your business forward…